Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thanks to the Berkshire International Film Festival

On the Leesh would like to thank everyone at the Berkshire International Film Festival for an amazing festival! Once again, they pulled off a great fest and made us, as filmmakers, feel welcome and supported. Here were some of our faves that we got to check out:

The world premiere of: Bach of the Antarctic
Writer/Director: Ben Hillman
8 min

Summary: Cantata. Sonata. Antarctica. Who would have thought it? A startling discovery reveals that the person who discovered Antarctica was none other than Johann Sebastian Bach. As scientists uncover the astounding evidence, fake historical footage recreates Bach’s daring voyage into the Unknown. Who could have guessed that when Bach composed the musical magni opi of the Baroque Period, it was but a Prelude to the discovery of a Continent.

Cowboy Yoga

Writer/Director: Hal Clifford, Lou Bendrick
Cast: Hal Clifford, Jason Miner
Cinematographer/Editor: Jason Houston
10 min

Summary: Two cowboys make an instructional yoga video.

And the American Premiere of:The Towel

Writer/Director: Oliver Briginshaw
Cast: James Harwood, Kiki Kendrick, Giacomo Valdameri
6 min

Summary: Getting ready for dinner, Geoff accidentally marks a hotel towel with a dodgy looking stain. Fearing the cleaning lady will get the wrong idea, he tries to hide the evidence.

Congratulations to all the filmmakers who got to screen at this wonderful festival!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Off to the Berkshire International Film Festival

Alicia is headed to The Berkshire International Film Festival (www.biffma.com) to see screenings of Kung Pow Wow. Coming on the heels of a great review from the BERKSHIRE LIVING MAG, we're thrilled to see an audiences reaction to this movie!

For calendar information click here: Calendar.

Be sure to check it out!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Berkshire Living Mag Review Kung Pow Wow

Check out this incredible review of our short ditty, Kung Pow Wow:

The only thing wrong with Kung Pow Wow, a short film that will be screened this weekend at the Berkshire International Film Festival (BIFF) at the Triplex Cinema in Great Barrington, Mass., is that it's only two minutes long. Then again, that's part of the film's genius. In just two short minutes, the filmmakers and actors give us essentially the entire lowdown on a relationship. In this case, the simple act of ordering Chinese takeout -- one of the most romantic cliches in film and in real life -- turns into a horror threatening the very foundations of what seemed like a perfectly fine relationship. How the filmmakers achieve this effect I won't say -- I will leave that to the joy of discovery -- but it's enough to say that it is through inventiveness and a willingness to disorient a viewer in the service of achieving the remarkable effect.

If this is a hint of what's in store this weekend from BIFF, it's going to be a great festival.

If you're in the Great Barrington area, check out this wonderful festival!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What Are the Odds? available on Indieroad

Our short film What Are the Odds? is available for purchase on Indieroad.net. That's right! If you'd like to see this romantic comedy that takes you all over Manhattan as two mathematicians fall in love, go to: indieroad.net. It was written by Justin Spitzer who now writes for NBC's "The Office" so it's a sure bet that it's a well written comedy.

It costs a whopping 80 cents for purchase, but believe me - it's worth your time and money!

Check it out!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Winners: NYC Downtown Short Film Fest

On the Leesh would like to congratulate all of the winners of the NYC Downtown Short Film Festival!


Best Drama: Word on the $treet - Directed by: Nick Barbieri
Best Comedy: Crossing Numbers - Directed by: Abel Gonzalez
Best Documentary: Forgotten New York: Collect Pond - Directed by: Dan Kowalski
Best Animation: Chroma Chameleon - Directed by: Marc Adler & Warren Grubb
Best Latino: A Xinecologa - Directed by: Alfonso Camarero
Best Foreign: James- Directed by: Connor Clements
Audience Choice: You Don't Know Me Directed by: Sean Melia


Der Pfandlaie - Directed by: Frank - Peter Lenze
Finding Priya A Prom Date - Directed by: Garrett Nantz
His Good Will - Directed by: Cayman Grant
La Juerga - Directed by: Michael Louis Hill
Sovereignty - Directed by: Jonathan Sale
Wig - Directed by: Todd Holland
You're Outa Here - Directed by: George Griffin

Best Actor: Trevor St. John
Best Actress: Heather Dilly
Best Director: Nick Barbieri
Cinematography: His Good Will

We had a great time Saturday night and once again, our short, "Kung Pow Wow" was among some great shorts.

Congratulations to everyone!