Thursday, February 12, 2009

Trevor's Big Break


I love many things, but one thing that is extremely high on the list is my love for craft beer.

One of my favorite breweries, “Dogfish Head,” sponsors their very own “Off-Centered Film Festival,” that is held at Alamo Draft House in Austin TX each year. The festival’s theme is the underdog so I decided that I would write a short film about a down-and-out chicken mascot who can’t get any work until he drinks Dogfish head.

On the Leesh was gracious enough to agree to help me produce this fine piece of work, as it would serve as a learning tool for me to become more adept at our process of making a film here at OTL. I would write, direct and be the executive producer, while Alicia and Julie would guide me along the way.

Since I decided to do things through On the Leesh there were steps that had to be taken that you wouldn’t normally do for a home movie. There were SAG waivers to fill out, budgets to make, Writer’s Guild papers to complete and a whole bunch of scheduling and planning.

Many thanks to Alicia, Julie, Matt, Jessie and especially my husband Greg for being in the film today and doing a fantastic job!!! Greg you’re the best Trevor Birdie out there.

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Official Finalist: Las Vegas International Film Festival

We've just been notified that Denim has been chosen as an official finalist for the Las Vegas international Film Festival! Although it will not screen at the festival it is one of only 20 films chosen in each category to receive this honor!

We'd like to thank the Las Vegas Film Festival for this extraordinary honor!

Check them out at:

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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New Short Film: Kung Pow Wow!

New to the festival circuit is On the Leesh Productions's short film Kung Pow Wow. To say it's a short film is not really letting on about just how short this film is... it comes in at just under 3 minutes. Our motto: get in, make 'em laugh, get out!

Here's the description:

Dating is difficult, especially when you order in. "Kung Pow Wow" is a comedic tale about an argument between a couple when the boyfriend isn't sensitive to the needs of his girlfriend's taste buds.

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We Have Our Man

Yesterday's auditions for the short comedy, "Milestone" went fabulously well!

We saw some really great and talented actors. Ultimately though, a very friendly face won us over with an outstanding read of the role, Billy. We are happy to announce that Brian Patacca will be playing the role in the movie.

More to come about who will be playing the female lead, Denise. Hopefully we'll have that news in just a couple of weeks.

We're halfway there though!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Milestone Auditions Today!

Today, we are headed to Ripley Grier Studios to hold auditions for the lead male role in our upcoming short comedy, "Milestone".

Hopefully we'll find our Billy today!

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Monday, February 2, 2009

"What Are the Odds?" Helps You In Med School??


So, as I do first thing every morning, I checked my OTL email. There, waiting for me, was a very nicely written request from a Professor at New Jersey's Medical School requesting that I allow him to show our short film, "What Are the Odds?" in his classes.

I'm sorry... what?

He discovered the film when he was perusing media about mathematics and found the movie here:

Now, perhaps I'm overreacting, but I must say I think it's pretty freaking cool that this short movie will be shown as a TEACHING TOOL.

What a way to start off a Monday!

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